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USCIS Acknowledged IIUSA's Letter of Request to Hold Pending Petitions

USCIS Continues Holding Pending Petitions to Protect Good-Faith Investors

Monday, January 24, 2022 - Earlier this year, IIUSA sent both a standalone and joint letter with the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) to USCIS asking them to continue holding all pending EB-5 Regional Center Program-related petitions and applications in abeyance during the continued lapse of the EB-5 program.

In response, USCIS acknowledged the receipt of this communication, and has sent a response to this request essentially re-stating their December 30, 2021 alert that communicated in part, “As noted on our website, until further notice, we have held (that is not acted on) any pending petition or application of affected form types that is dependent on the lapsed statutory authority and that was file before the end of the statutory authorization." 

You can view a copy of this letter


IIUSA President, Bob Kraft and stakeholders within the industry and on Capitol Hill, are confident in the progress being made towards program reauthorization and feel assured that the EB-5 program will soon see reauthorization. Accordingly, Bob Kraft and IIUSA continue to advocate for the protection of good-faith investors during this time. 

If you have any questions, please contact our office at

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