Startup water tech companies already committed to lease space in the developing International Water Technology Accelerator will now have a new partner in Michael Best & Friedrich LLP. The law firm will provide services to the innovators within the center in order to obtain patents and form corporations, among other needed services. Thus far the seven-story Accelerator building is approximately 75% leased, including the following tenants: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp., Badger Meter Inc., A.O. Smith Corp., Veolia Water North America, The Milwaukee Water Council, Hanging Gardens, Alga Bionics, Greater Milwaukee Committee, Stormwater Solutions, Sloan Valve, Grundfos Pumps, Pave Drain and Xela Innovations. To Read More in the Business Journal, Click Here. To see Progress on the Project through the FPP Flickr Account, Click Here.