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Foreign Capital in the U.S. Up 40%

“Capital flowing into the U.S. from outside the country’s borders is up 40%, with most of that money coming from China, where investment into the U.S. has grown three-fold”, says senior VP of international capital markets at CBRE, Tim Gifford.

The trend of capital increasing in the United States from foreign countries continues, with forecasts showing no decrease coming anytime soon. Also, with China a leader in immigrant investors through the U.S. EB-5 program, it’s no surprise the country takes up 40% of the market.

Additionally, a significant portion of foreign capital in the U.S. is aimed at real estate development. Global real estate market leader for Ernst & Young, Rick Sinkuler, reports a whopping 70% of Asia-based real estate investors will commit to investments outside of Asia this year alone. Of all the countries on foreign investors' radars, the United States appears to be a favorite. 


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